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Bible study and small groups are a great way to get to know folks at church better while at the same time getting to know the Lord better! We have groups for men, women, couples and anybody who wants to come! Please join us and dig a little deeper into the Bible as well as your relationships.



You will love being in a Grove Group—a small group that meets monthly to explore scripture chosen to spark conversation. We talk about the verses, how it relates to our lives at this moment and how it can lead us to think about our life or faith in a different way. There are groups for couples and groups for singles who don’t have a spouse or who have a spouse who is not yet up for a small group. Grove Groups usually meet for about an hour of Bible study and then have a potluck meal together, usually just three times in three months. The dates and times are up to you and your group. They’re a great way to experience a small group Bible study, get to know some other PCLG members and have some fun!

Join a Grove Group—they’re where community takes root! For more information or to let us know you’re interested, e-mail




All women of the church are welcome! We strive to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, support the mission of the church worldwide, work for justice and peace and build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church. 

Entire PW Group:

Presbyterian Women (P.W.) is an independent organization within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) of more than 300,000 women. PW offers a variety of ways for women to live out their faith in an inclusive, caring community. Any woman in the church-—of any age— is eligible to become a part of PW. And this year, Presbyterian Women is celebrating 25 years of praying and working together. We hope you’ll join us! 


Our Purpose

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves:

•  to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study

•  to support the mission of the church worldwide

•  to work for justice and peace

•  to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

•  to witness to the promise of God’s kingdom

Contact Angie Smith (408) 358-5555

Smaller PW Groups:

PW members also meet in smaller Bible study groups the third Thursday of most months. Choose the time and place that works best for you!  ​​9:30 AM at PCLG RSVP to Pat Garland 


WOW (Women of the Word) 


WOW is one of three “circles” or small groups of Presbyterian Women, which is the national women’s organization within the PC(USA). Like PW, WOW offers a variety of ways for women to live out their faith in an inclusive, caring community. We enjoy getting to know one another while getting to know God. Questions? Contact: Julie Lasher

(408)356-0242, Or Angie Smith:



WOW fosters spiritual growth and Christian fellowship among our church members, in our families, and in our community.

We meet (usually) in the Fireside Room on Thursdays from 10-11:30 a.m.

Questions? Contact Julie Lasher 408-656-8419

All women are welcome! 


Bible Studies:

Studies have included the books of John, Jonah, Ruth, Psalms, Revelation and more.


Christian Book Studies:

We have read Seeds by Thomas Merton, and The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and The Muslim Next Door by Sumbul Ali-Karamalia among others.


DVD Lessons: Recent videos such as Never Put a Period Where God Puts a Comma by Nell Mohney, and Making the Most of Your Marriage by Kevin Leman, have led to interesting, supportive discussion.


Social Activities:

We enjoy getting together socially from time to time for activities like hiking, yoga, coffee and dinner parties.


Mission Projects:

We have made meals for homeless shelters, assembled layettes for needy mothers and participated in clothing and blanket drives. We support our WOW members in times of need (e.g. when there is a new baby in the family or an ill family member, etc.) through phone calls, prayers, providing meals and/or help with childcare.

Pastor’s Bible Study

This is a popular Wednesday afternoon Bible study with Pastor Dave Watermulder. All are invited to join us. Meets Wednesdays, 2 p.m. in the Fireside Room Questions? Contact the church office (408) 356-6156

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MINOW Men's Bible Study

We have a men’s study in person and via Zoom each Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. This group, called MINOW, Men In Need Of Wisdom, is, much like our Presbyterian church, run by its members! We take turns leading the weekly study, and when the current study topic nears completion, together we choose the next. 
The choice of reading is quite interesting and varied. Please reach out ( to be added to the weekly invite.

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