Serving and volunteering is a big part of who we are at PCLG. There are many opportunities to put your talents and skills to work serving the church and community. Read below to discover the many opportunities you can participate in!

Sophia’s Layette is the Mission Project of the Presbyterian Woman. We distribute 10-20 layettes a month to needy families thru Santa Maria Urban Ministry. Our layettes include a Hand knit or Crocheted blanket, fleece blanket, Onesie, PJ’s , hat, socks, and a book. Our baby shower is the only fundraising effort we do throughout the year. Want to donate ? Either new clothing up to 9 mo. Target Gift Cards, or simply write a check and put Sophia’s Layette on the Memo line. Contact Colleen Hattman

PCLG Caring Cuisine Do you know anyone in the church family who may need a meal? Once or for a few weeks? PCLG Caring Cuisine are a group of passionate PCLG individuals that channel their culinary expertise to craft a symphony of flavors and textures, meticulously preparing wholesome meals. Whether it's a warm bowl of soup, a hearty casserole, or a nutritious salad, every dish is carefully crafted to bring comfort and sustenance to those who may need it, delivered to your door! Please reach out to dana@phase1marketing.com
Prayer Shawls Our prayer shawl supply has an ebb and flow and periodically our supply dwindles a bit. When that happens we put out a request for prayer shawls to be made. We have several small ones in stock right now but we can use medium and larger shawls. You may knit, crochet, weave with any yarn and pattern you like. We have a basket in the office with yarn for you if you would like to use it. The basket may make its way to the patio during coffee hour so you can look for it there as well. Thank you for your help with our prayer shawl ministry.

Sign-Up to Be an Usher! Are you wondering how you could get involved with PCLG? One of the easiest ways to get involved is to sign up to be an usher for Sunday worship. Come to church by 9:40 am, and check-in with the Head Usher who will let you know what to do. It's a great way to meet people and participate in the worship service! Click here to sign up.

PCLG Prayer Group If you are interested in knowing who needs prayer in our church family, and want to be a person of prayer who lifts them up, please email prayers@pclg.org to be included on the Prayer email list. We send prayer requests to the group throughout the week and you are invited into the practice of prayer in this way. We hope you will join us in faithful prayer for our church family.

Worship Band The Worship Band is looking for people who would like to share their musical gifts and talents such as guitar, bass, drums and/or singing to consider joining in leading worship here at PCLG. If you have an interest and would like to talk more about it, please contact Rita on Sunday mornings or email Rita.hoegel@pclg.org.

Children's Ministry (Infant - 5th grade):
Welcome Families! On Sundays our Nursery is available for children and infants- 2 1/2 years old. Preschool-1st grade will meet in our Preschool Ministry Wing, and 2nd-5th grade will meet in our Children's Ministry Wing. Please refer to the church calendar for special Sundays when Sunday School may not be available. Visiting families should walk their child back to Sunday School after the children's message so that teachers can meet the parents and know who they are dismissing the child to at pickup. Please reach out with any questions to Erin Heath Director of Children's Ministry erin.heath@pclg.org

The Choir Chancel Choir provides music and inspiration for Sunday worship from September through mid-June. Any adult who enjoys singing is encouraged to come give it a try! Rehearsals are Thursdays, 7:30-9 p.m.
For a current rehearsal schedule contact the choir director at michael.taylor@pclg.org

Love coffee and donuts? So do we! Please consider helping us with our coffee and donut hospitality on Sunday mornings. It's a fun and easy way to help out and meet new people at the same time! Sign up below:
Sunday Coffee Hour Schedule: https://tinyurl.com/PCLGcoffee2022
Sunday Morning Donut Run Schedule: https://tinyurl.com/PCLGdonuts2022
If you have questions please contact Renee Crites at reneecrites@gmail.com

Youth Ministry Our Youth Ministry offers three regular programs on Sundays for students.
Middle School Sunday School begins after the Time for Young Disciples and meets in the Youth Center until worship ends. If you feel called to help with the youth Contact Steve Fainer at fainer@gmail.com

Communion - Help prepare Communion Elements for communion Sundays– Sign up to help

Coffee Hour - It's a great way to serve. Help set up the coffee service on Sunday morning. If you have questions please contact Renee Crites at reneecrites@gmail.com
Donut Dispatch Team – Volunteer to bring donut holes for pre-worship coffee – Sign up to help

Flower Ministry Each Sunday, a beautiful bouquet will be displayed in the narthex and later re-assembled for delivery by the flower ministry team to brighten someone’s day. The Flower Ministry is looking for a few more volunteers to help once a month making arrangements of flowers and delivering them to those in the hospital, ill/recovering at home, needing encouragement, or mourning a loss. This Ministry is a blessing and a demonstration of PCLGs caring and support. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the church office.