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The Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos offers many ways for you to get involved and become a bigger part of our community. We have Fellowship Groups, Bible Study & Small Groups, Committees, Mission Activities and other informal gatherings. There are fun all-church events like the annual Talent Show, our Supper & Study series, the annual Picnic, summertime potlucks on the lawn, family movie nights and more! Plus we have active Children’s, Youth and Music ministries with which you can connect. Whether you are five or 95, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community!


Whether it’s a weekly men’s Bible study group, a Sunday morning Adult Education class, a group of folks who volunteer monthly at a local community service agency or a women’s book club, there are people at PCLG who would love to connect with you! Or to find out what events are coming up soon, check out our Events page.


We realize getting involved isn’t always easy, but we’re here to help. Simply contact us for more information or to be put in touch with the appropriate representative. We invite you to learn, serve and grow at PCLG!

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Children's Ministries

It is our sincere mission to provide quality Christian education and encouragement to the children and families of the Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos. Our commitment is to all our children so that they might know God and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Youth Ministries

We engage students in Christian community, outreach and mission in order to form lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. Our weekly gatherings of play, worship and learning focus on building Christian community and individual faith, while major events focus on leadership development, outreach and mission. 

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College Ministries

FRAT(Friends, Religion, And Theology) is a college group dedicated to maintaining a religious community foundation for students as they travel near and far for school. Through bible study, hanging out, and maybe even cooking some good food, we all grow closer together and foster an environment of support as we progress into new phases of our lives.

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Bible studies and Small Groups

Bible study and small groups are a great way to get to know folks at church better while at the same time getting to know the Lord better! We have groups for men, women, couples and anybody who wants to come! Please join us and dig a little deeper into the Bible as well as your relationships.

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Fellowship Groups

Fellowship Groups are a great way to get to know folks at church better! Whether we’re enjoying a potluck dinner, getting fit, reading great books together, or simply making friends, they are a wonderful part of our church life at PCLG!



At PCLG, committees are a big part of how we get things done. Through them, we not only support the life of the church, we reach out to others in the community and in the world, all as a means of serving God. Plus, we have fun along the way! Do you see an area that interests you? We invite you to contact an elder and put your gifts to use serving the Lord.

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Music Ministries

Welcome to the vibrant Music Ministry program at the Presbyterian Church of Los Gatos! The members of our church vary in age and interests and for that reason, so does our worship music. No matter what your talent and no matter what your age, we have a place for you to fit in! This worship community is all about love and friendship

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Become a Member

If you are considering making PCLG your church home or if you are curious to learn more, come to our new members and inquirers class led by Pastor Dave.  We’ll talk about what it means to  focus on Jesus at our core, we’ll share about our theological heritage and how our church seeks to grow and serve together


PCLG is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in the U.S., and part of the Reformed tradition. We are welcoming of all people who wish to join us as we gather in God’s name every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. both in person in our Sanctuary, and online on Facebook and Youtube. If you haven’t been to our church before, you’ll find a welcome table in front of the sanctuary where you can get a name tag and ask any questions you may have. As you walk through our doors, be prepared to receive a smile and a handshake!




16575 Shannon Rd.

Los Gatos, Ca. 95032



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